2019 GCA Annual Report

The General Contractors Association

Large 110 number with roads, parks, cars, trains and a bridge illustration inside moving throughout

Odgis + Company worked with the General Contractors Association (GCA) to design their 2019 Annual Report for the third consecutive year. 

This report defines the importance that heavy civil work has in everyday life. We illustrated this by showing a day in the life of three New Yorkers, traveling to work and school using bridges, roads, tunnels, airports and more built by GCA member companies. This expresses the critical nature of what the GCA members do. Most people are not aware of the importance of infrastructure and how it applies in so many aspects of our lives.   

In their 110 years, they have laid the foundations that allowed NYC to become the nation’s center for commerce, finance and entertainment.

The GCA 2019 Annual Report received a GDUSA 2020 award.

"Folks loved the Annual Report. Thanks for all your help."

Felice Farber, Senior Director Policy & External Affairs | General Contractors Association of NY

Infographic with 3 rectangular sections showing one person's commute to work, one person's travel to catch a plane and a child's journey to school
Brochure spread with illustrations of roads, bridges and trains with photos of NYC infrastructure projects
Drawings of subways and bridges with photos of building projects to illustrate a case study


the word reconnect folding out as images of bridges and cars animate to the left

The General Contractors Association

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crop into a large

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