2020 Columbia Annual Report

Columbia Property Trust

a photo within the letters CXP. a set of colorful stripes run across the diagonal of the X
Our focus for the 2020 Columbia Property Trust Annual Report was to communicate how Columbia worked through new challenges and market demands while providing healthy environments for their employees and tenants.  
Columbia’s remarkable properties have unique histories and architectural features. To bring that to life Odgis + Co created a new brand theme for this year’s annual report: “Storied Properties for Legendary Companies”. We highlighted the fascinating narratives behind their properties and portrayed how Columbia enhanced their value in order to create the best possible experiences for their tenants. 
Using their colorful palette, we created a graphic approach using a set of translucent overlapping stripes which we placed on the edge of the cover. The placement of this design of stripes is reminiscent of pages of a storybook. 
On the inside front cover the Chairman, Nelson Mills, welcomes everyone back to the office. In 2020, Columbia Property Trust has found greater capability, connection, and awareness of their employees, properties and the community than ever before.  ­

See the full report here.

An image of the cover and interior spread of the CXP Annual Report.


Four horizontal slices of property photos showing an industrial space, office space, office windows and supply chain image with color blocks on top

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