Open To Debate Renaming & Rebranding

Open To Debate

Open to Debate, previously known as Intelligence Squared US, is the original, debate-driven media platform where the intellectually curious and open-minded can engage with people who hold opposing views on complex, nuanced issues. Odgis + Co had the opportunity to rename and rebrand them. The problem that forced the renaming was that Intelligence Squared US (a not-for-profit organization) had the same name as the for-profit UK debate company that owned the “.com” ( Intelligence Squared US also had a different mission that conflicted unfavorably with that of their namesake. Because business was becoming increasingly web based and they needed to achieve domain authority to avoid confusion, a renaming was imperative.

The scope of this project included the creation of a full brand strategy platform and messaging, as well as a visual brand platform to define and express the new name.

After interviews with key stakeholders and a team brand workshop, we presented our findings. As part of this assignment, we created their brand story, brand values, and brand character. As a result of this process, and after much internal debate, the name Open to Debate was decided upon and trademarked. Our next step was to design a new logo, brand architecture, and color palette, as well as the visualization of the key assets and look and feel of the website.
Open to Debate produces and curates thought-provoking debates and conversations for radio, podcast, online broadcast, television, and digital video. Open to Debate helps people make sense of the world they live in and the issues that impact their lives. It’s an honor to be instrumental in the transformation of this essential organization.

See PR Newswire post
See The New York Times article


“Thank you to our creative partners at Odgis + Co for leading our naming strategy and logo design. Everyone loves the new name and logo!”

Clea Connor | Chief Executive Officer

the old Intelligence Squared logo next to the new Open to Debate Logo