Red Flags of Branding: How to Tell if Your Business is in Need of a Rebrand

It is absolutely essential for your business to have a brand that fits your culture, supports your values, and represents all that you do. Since I prefer to look at things from the ground up, I will make a shoe metaphor. Does the shoe fit? If you are walking around in uncomfortable shoes, it will impede your ability to get where you want to go and slow you down. The question is: how comfortable are you?

Why should you rebrand your business? 

In the ever-evolving world around us, it’s easy to fall out of touch with the customer. Social shifts, economic change, and technological development are just a few of the many external factors that may hurt your positioning in the market. Here are some red flags you should consider as reasons to rebrand:
1. Your brand name no longer reflects your brand vision
2. You’re embarrassed to hand out your business card or direct people to your website
3. Your brand name or design is dated
4. You’re failing to differentiate yourself from the competition
5. Your brand has become overly complicated
6. Your business strategy has changed
7. You’ve outgrown your brand
8. You’re undergoing a merger or acquisition
9. You’ve expanded beyond your original geography
10. You need to disassociate your brand from negative perceptions
11. You’re not attracting top talent
12. The company voice is misaligned with your culture

What is the value of rebranding your business? 

Your brand is the foundation of true client loyalty. A strong brand delivers more revenue, generates more shareholder value, and also helps attract and retain your employees.

What happens after you decide to rebrand? 

When you make the decision to rebrand, what happens next?
• Find the right branding partner
• Get leadership buy-in
• Define your goals
• Set budgets and timelines

What’s included in a rebranding process? 

Depending on what you want to accomplish, rebrands may include the following deliverables:
• A new name
• A new logo and/or brand mark
• A new brand style (including brand fonts, colors, and imagery)
• A new tagline or series of headlines lines
• A new brand vision and/or mission
• A new voice and tone
• New brand messaging
• A newly redesigned website

How to make rebranding effective? 

Your stakeholders must tell the same story about your company and its values. Consistency is key to developing loyalty. The rebranding will certainly not succeed if you fail to be consistent in:
• Delivering on your brand’s promise
• Speaking about your brand both internally and externally
• Your messaging and design elements on all touchpoints
Your brand should fit your business like a comfortable pair of shoes. It should align with your values and tell your story, allowing people to understand what you do and why it’s important. Your brand is worth the time, money, and effort. It will help you move forward in the long run ahead.

By Janet Odgis
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Odgis + Co is an award-winning brand design studio based in New York City. We Make Business Beautiful.