The Rockefeller University 2023 Financial Annual Report

The Rockefeller University

animation of a 2 and 3 coming together to make 2023
Odgis + Co just designed The Rockefeller University 2023 Financial Annual Report for the second year in a row. After more than two years of pandemic constraints on in-person gatherings, this year saw a rebirth of the social vitality that has always characterized The Rockefeller University community. The university’s reinvigoration is on full display in this report. 
This financial report provides an overview of the university’s finances for fiscal year 2023. Concise and colorful, the pages are immaculately laid out to feature the significance of The Rockefeller University’s attainment of their goals. The community coming together is highlighted with the use of vibrant photography throughout the report. These images are adjacent to the university’s key metrics, bringing them to life. The science emerging from Rockefeller’s labs continues to lead the world.

See the full report here >

a grid of 9 squares fading into squares of stats
animation of all the spreads in the report


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